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Stopping Cremation: Promoting Kvuras Yisroel


Shluchim share how to prevent cremation R”L and ensure Kvuras Yisroel.


Attorneys and legal experts focus on the laws and legal issues related to wills, burial and cremation.

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Can Shluchos Stop Cremation?

This workshop empowers shluchos to promote kvuras Yisroel. 

Stopping Cremation: Promoting Kvuras Yisroel

Presented by: Rabbi Yankie Denburg, Rabbi Levi Gurkov, Rabbi Levi Dubinsky & Rabbi Lazer Gurkow

Presented by: Mr. Menachem Mayberg & Rabbi Leibel Miller

Cremation: A Legal Perspective

Attorney Menachem Mayberg - Founding Partner, Seltzer Mayberg LLC

What You Can Do to Prevent Cremation

Rabbi Leibel Miller - Executive Director, Chevra Kadisha of Florida

Presented by: Mrs. Chaya Teldon & Mrs Aidel Zaklos

The Shlucha’s Crucial Role in Preventing Cremation

Mrs. Chaya Teldon -  Long Island, NY

Jewish Burial: Insight and Information

Mrs Aidel Zaklos - Solano County, CA

Course 1
Course 2
Course 3
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